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CSGO Hacks Detected Free
CSGO SkinChanger – ZigaChanger v2.0

With the help of CSGO SkinChanger, you can play with the most expensive skins on the official Steam servers, in any mode, as well as on third-party servers. If you have always dreamed of a new Dragon Lore, but you do not have enough money for it, this program will make the dream come true absolutely for free.
How to use – CSGO SkinChanger :
- Extract the rar file;
- Open CSGO;
- Open “Skinchanger.dll“
- Dowload injector
- Choose your skins and apply them
- When your done, you can save your config.
Developer Note – CSGO SkinChanger
I decided to give back to the community by releasing my Free CSGO SkinChanger in C#. Its really not that much, but its what i have at the moment and hopefully it will help some people out. The only downside to this cheat is that it has a somewhat high CPU usage (13%), and adding a thread.sleep(1) to my skinchanger algo would make it really inconsistent.
The cheat has a UI and a config system, and i tried to make it super simple and easy to use.
The skinchanger comes with a premade config that you can load right away. I hope you guys enjoy and if you have any issues with the cheat and/or want to help me improve, please leave a comment!