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Minecraft Hacks Undetected Free
Minecraft Macro Hack 2021 (Auto Clicker, Chest Stealer)

Minecraft Macro Hack (Auto Clicker, Chest Stealer)
Minecraft Macro Hack is an Auto Clicker and a Chest Stealer as well. With this hack you can macro and click on your enemies incredibly fast while PvPing.
What is this Minecraft Macro Hack exactly?
This Macro Hack has two functions; firstly it is an auto clicker. This means that this program clicks automatically for you. And it has customizable settings as well. For example you can select which button the macro hack is supposed to click. You can make it click left as well as the right mouse button based on your choice of combat. Especially if you are playing a version lower than 1.9 since before that update you could block incoming attacks with your sword by clicking on the right mouse button.
And make sure to check out more of our Minecraft Hacks, Cheats, Clients on our website!