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Minecraft Hacks Undetected Free

Minecraft Impact Client 1.16.5 – Free Hacked Client for Minecraft

Minecraft Impact Client 1.16.5 – Free Hacked Client for Minecraft

Minecraft Impact Client 1.16.5 – Free Hacked Client for Minecraft

Minecraft Impact Client is absolutely the Best Free Hacked Client for Minecraft that you can find on the internet which has tons of Cheat Features

Minecraft Impact Client is an insanely advanced client for Minecraft (and its many versions 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, and 1.11.2) that has over 120+ features, including Baritone, a pathfinder bot for Minecraft!

Impact is a perfect Cheat Client for every single situtation in Minecraft. For PvP, it has an endless amount of Combat Options like Aimbot, Kill Aura, Criticals, Auto Clicker and many more features that are insanely OP when playing on online multiplayer servers of Minecraft.

How to Install Minecraft Impact Client

  1. Download the Minecraft Impact Client Installer
  2. Extract the Installer from the rar archive
  3. Run it and select the options that you want to have
  4. And then press Install to install
  5. And enjoy ?

If you have any issues while installing, join oir Discord Server

Minecraft Impact Client Changelog


  • (1.13+) A File picker GUI to replace the broken Alt Import/Export dialogs
  • Added “Active” setting to Breadcrumbs to disable position recording
  • Added “breadcrumbs” command to save/load/clear breadcrumbs
  • Randomize module that randomly switches between hotbar slots


  • “Editions” watermarks such as “Impact Premium Edition” are now controlled by an API
  • Changed the maximum Gamma in Light from 10 to 12
  • Entities are now sorted in Shader ESP, closer ones will actually appear closer.
  • Moved the Impact Capes controls from the Customize Skin GUI to a Capes module in the Render category, with added configurability.
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