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CSGO Hacks Outdated Free
CSGO Legit Multihack [Vac Safe]
![CSGO Legit Multihack [Vac Safe]](https://cheaterhaven.com/dls/csgo-hacks/1631046163-4e1Mlt1-750x459.png)
We present you a great CSGO Legit Multihack with vac security. First of all, this cheat is not easy to use. Don’t wait to download and run the exe and everything will work. This CSGO Legit Multihack VacBypass and is completely VAC safe. You will actually have to “install” some files in the right place and manually update the offsets every time the game is updated. Are you ready to act like a developer?
CSGO Legit Multihack Feature List :
- GlowEsp
- PlayerColor
- Aimbot
- Triggerbot
- Backtrack
- Radar(Ingame)
- Radar(Overlay)
- Skinchanger
- KnifeChanger
- Bhop
- Recoil crosshair
- C4 Timer
- Lagswitch
- Noflash
- ConvarChanger
- AutoAccept
- RankReveal
- Name Changer
- Clantag Changer
CSGO Legit Multihack for The requirements you need
- Windows 7 +
- Windows 8 +
- Windowns 10+
- Cheat user needs an Brain (important!)
- Cheat user need the willpower to read the entire description (important!)
- If you are are lacking any of these i cant and wont help you.
- So lets start with the installation steps ?
How to use ?
Move the “Medicore” folder into your “C:/” harddrive.The path to the Offsets file needs to be “C:\Mediocre”.
The Menu works the following – CSGO Legit Multihack:
Numpad arrow keys : Navigating up and down and increasing or decreasing value
Numpad 5 : Activating Buttons or selecting elemts
Numpad 0 : Returning to the previous menu page
Insert : Hiding / Unhiding the cheat menu window
End : Closing the hack
CTRL : Value change multiplied by 5
Alt : Value change multiplied by 10
If you dont like the key layout you can change it in the “Keys.ini” File