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Phasmophobia Hacks Undetected Free
Phasmophobia Cheat | Free PhasmoMenu Hack v0.1

The Phasmophobia Cheat is a high quality and highly functional cheat designed by PappyG. Phasmophobia is an extremely fun horror game. I don’t like horror games because I’m an extremely cowardly person. I could smash my screen at any moment. But of course you can be a horror game addict. You have to do the tasks given in the game and try to survive. With light, you can easily complete missions and walk around.
The cheat has many features, thanks to which you can progress in the game much more easily. Do not forget to summarize the features of the cheat that I have mentioned below. I also explained how it works. The hack is nice, but don’t forget to check out other Free Phasmophobia Hack and Cheat content on our site.
How to Use Phasmophobia Cheat
- Download Phasmophobia Cheat
- Extract the Cheat Table from the archive
- Download and install Cheat Engine if you haven’t already
- Run the cheat
- Enjoy!
Free Phasmophobia Cheat Features
NewName (Create a multiplayer private lobby, Type a new name under
NewName PRESS ENTER then change your character model to update name.)
Player (Opens Player Window)
InfStam (Infinite Stamina)
MovementSpeed (Edit Movement Speed)
MaxReach (Very Far Reach)
ThrowStrength (Edit Throw Strength)
Invincible (Cant Die)
HOST: Despawns Ghost On Attack
NotHost: Zombie Spawns Body, Drops inventory, cant use any items,
Cant close van.
Sanity (Edit Player Sanity)
NoClip (Fly, Clips Through Map(Space for up, CTRL for down, Can only clip up and down))
LevelInfo (Opens GhostInfo And PlayerInfo Windows)
GhostInfo (Ghost Name, Ghost Type, Ghost Current Location,
PlayerInfo (Average Player Sanity, Current Room)
Fullbright (Brightens Environment Lighting (May cause fps drop if too many
lights active, or if in a large map))
SpoofID (Changes Steam ID to NoSteam)
Binds (List Of Keybinds)
TP (Teleport = To Truck, To Death Room, To Custom Position.)
Cursed (Opens CursedObjects Window)
TarotCards (Choose Next Card, and Infinite Tarot Cards)