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CSGO Hacks Undetected Free
Free CSGO NEPS Cheat – Best Multihack for CSGO 2021

Free CSGO NEPS Cheat is amazing Multihack based on the famous CSGO Osiris Cheat that belongs to the Cheats & Hacks for CS:GO category
You might be familiar with the most popular Open Source Hack for CSGO Osiris which is the cheat that this Free CSGO NEPS Cheat is based on. It’s reskinned, meaning that it has a more user friendly Menu / GUI (Graphical User Interface) that is improved on Osiris’. On top of that it has the improved and / or fixed versions Osiris’ absolutely amazing rich features. Here is Osiris if you would like to check that out as well
Before getting into How to Use the cheat itself and its specific features that it contains, I would like to talk about some of the functions that it has that I am an absolute fan of.
sv_pure bypass is one of these. What it does is that is bypasses CS:GO’s server pure rule which makes sure that the game’s files are not corrupted, edited, modified or deleted. Bypassing that means that you can use modded / modified versions of the game’s files such as custom weapon models, skin, agents, knives, maps and many more.
Other than it has some other exploits like Anti AFK Kick, Fast Duck / Crouch and Moonwalk. But my other favorite has to be the Skin Changer, which allows you to change your gloves, knives, weapon skins, player models / agents and many more such as weapon skin seed, stickers etc. I am certainly a fan of this feature as it is not a detected feature (considering that you use a VACBypass) which lets you play CS:GO Competitive without putting your account in risk.