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Crab Game Hacks Detected Free
Titanium Crab Game Cheat v1.0 | Free Crab Game Hack

Titanium Crab Game Cheat is one of the Best Hacks for Crab Game that you can find on our website as it has some pretty nice features that you probably will not find on any other Crab Game Hacks or Menus. Especially Bunnyhop can be quite useful since you can quickly move around with it and it makes your character harder for enemies to catch because you are moving fast and up and down constantly. I would definitely recommend this menu to many players because of how simple and easy the installation process can be. Plus, after you have installed and ran it, activating the featurs included in this Titanium Crab Game Cheat is just a few keybinds away.
Titanium Crab Game Cheat Features
- Bunnyhop (Automatically jumps while you are holding the space bar, making you move faster)
- AFK Jump (Jumps without needing to press anything)
- Fast Stop [Still in Beta] (Makes you stop faster after stop running or walking, although it currently only works when running straight forward)
- And many more in the future…
How to Use Titanium Crab Game Cheat
- Simply just scroll down and press the download button to download the cheat
- Extract the files from the RAR archive and put it into a folder
- Download, install and setup AHK (Auto Hotkey) if you haven’t already: https://autohotkey.com/
- Run Titanium Crab Game Cheat that you have extracted into the folder
- Use the hotkeys to activate the features that you want
- Enjoy and have fun
Developer Notes
I made this cheat using AHK have fun
but it is a simple cheat that isn’t best. it does a few things. but most important. It will never be outdated. and it has GUI.